On 09/14/2017 03:44 AM, jim bell wrote:
On Wednesday, September 13, 2017, 8:14:36 PM PDT, Marina Brown <catskillmarina@gmail.com> wrote:
"We can oppose monopolies like DNS TLD without defending conspiracy to commit genocide."
We can defend people's right to free speech without being accused of defending conspiracy to commit genocide. Oh, wait, I forgot. That's SO 20th Century!!!
Jim Bell
I do defend Free Speech - but when people start planning on murdering whole groups of people it is no longer free speech. It's something else.
You say that as if we must all already agree that: There are significant numbers of people 'starting planning on murdering whole groups of people...' Give us a few actual examples.
Thankfully it is not significant numbers of people planning genocide. If there were we would be in much more trouble than we are. Groups like ironmarch, atomwaffen and many on Daily stormer certainly appear to be planning genocide. One does not tag their publication "the most genocidal republican website" if one is not interested in promoting genocide. ...But of course that will be for a judge to decide. Not me.
And what is your definition of "significant numbers'? If we are talking murdered bodies, even one might be called a "significant number". But somehow, to worry most people, you need to show how big the figure is compared with, say, the population of America. Are the number of people that will be killed greater, or less than, the number of people who die yearly falling down stairs at home, by accident? For the year 2000, it was 1307. If it's only 1/10th that number, say 131, it's going to be hard to get people excited.
I'm not trying to get people excited. I'm just stating the legal fact that conspiracy to commit genocide, ethnic cleansing and to deny human rights is not free speech. It's a crime.
And remember all the people murdered in Chicago yearly. 761 in 2016. https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/2016-chicago-murders
Nonsequitur. One dead is too many.
Jim Bell
Marina Brown