https://attackthesystem.com/2017/02/22/against-the-anti-fascist-creeps/ (Another partial quote follows:) "This may be as a good a definition of fascism as any. However, Reid-Ross is not consistent in his adherence to this definition throughout the book. He clearly understands that simply defining “fascism” according to the popular meaning of the term as synonymous with “right-wing authoritarian states” is inaccurate, and highly problematic from an analytical perspective. However, he subsequently proceeds to at least implicitly characterize as “fascist” any kind of ideological framework or political tendency that involves any sort of real or perceived ethnic, racial, or national differentiation. Among these are the highly diverse right-wing populist movements of Europe, right-wing socialists, various anarchist tendencies, and American political currents as varied as neo-Confederates, the Ku Klux Klan, Libertarians, the militia movement and the Tea Party.[end of partial quote] I wondered what libertarians (or capital-L Libertarians) did to deserve being linked with, "neo-Confederates", the "Ku Klux Klan", etc. Then, I realized that those anti-fascists that the author (Keith Preston) is alluding to are simply reacting to anyone they don't like as being the enemy. If nothing else, libertarians would eliminate, or at least drastically reduce, the size and control of governments. Anyone who is in love with large, controlling government would have to think of libertarians as being "the enemy".This is certainly not the first time, in the last few months, I have seen "libertarians" being lumped with many other people and organizations, the latter often being distasteful. But what are we to think? Jim Bell