I'd like to share Fronton open source code or my own review here. But the news I just shared has been upsetting me for a while.Because I want to tell here about a man I know. The XXxman I wrote downstairs is a nickname that I made up.XXman was a helpful and occasionally video conferencing guy who arranged a meeting in Moscow. I used to attend video conferences because I wasn't in Moscow at the time.XXman was arrested one day for sharing a malware's open source code and was sentenced to prison.That was a lie the Russian government told us and him. XXman shared the corruption of some government men in Moscow.In fact, that's why he was arrested, because a lot of people like XXman shared tools and malware, but no one was arrested like him.He went to jail, and we started raising money to get him out of jail.His lawyer said it wouldn't be possible.And then they threatened his mum in a mall. It upset and frightened us all.And he got out of prison about 2 months ago, which surprised me.And I found out he was the one who did a lot of things like Fronton

“XxxMan is a prominent figure of the hacking underground who, under the alias XxxMan, brags about his connections to Russian hacking group APT28 aka Fancy Bear.”