To associate only with people you agree with, pillory those you don't, is a surefire way to remain ignorant and malleable by cowardly dictators who promise greatness to propaganda-addled weaklings. Cypherpunks is no stranger to appeals from monomaniacs offering special leadership to doltish followers. Crypto the early opioid, with a stewpot of empowering, intoxicating pharmas thereafter, though the latest appear to be bots drumming simplistic slogans of left, right, patriot, commie. NYTimes today front pages Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, hooligans, screamers, reins loosened by Trump's MAGA-methadone dispensary to those incapable of remaining sober, unable to function without violence in word and deed -- that is, ideological robots, aka spies cloaked by manipulating secrecy.