Александр dropped a link: http://www. independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-homophobic-murder-two-detained-after-man-is-beaten-and-tortured-to-death-in-anti-gay-attack-8614334.html I just want to say. I've read at least one account of an incident like this where some goons smashed up a gay club in St Petersburg and the bartender was quoted as saying "They weren't from around here. Normally we have no problems at all.". Those thugs were on some organization's payroll with the funds supplied by the Soros foundation or similar. Personally, I'm more concerned with gayfolk getting dragged to death behind a pickup truck in Tex-ass or nailed to a fence in Why-oming. Americans care who you fuck, Russians, in general don't, and because of that anyone in Russia making coffee klatch discussion about people's gender preferences is suspect of having an agenda. Anything can happen, That's 'life'. And the odds are ALWAYS 50-50 that something weird could happen anywhere you go about any way you might seem 'different' from the social norm. That's how FASCISTS 'get their kicks'. Whether it be some gay person's head, or a 'hippie', or a 'gypsy' or... and singling out Russia as some sort of cesspool for that behavior is simply ignorant. 'Merica, to me, seems to be Numero Uno in that department. Donald Trump may become president. -- RR "You might want to ask an expert about that - I just fiddled around with mine until it worked..."