I know, I know, comedy is verboten for all cypherpunks threads, especially sarcasm and satire - so consider this a trigger warning to those who are, for want of a better word, triggered by the personal confront arising within their personal space when reading a line of text that doesn't quite match original expectations for the said forum, thereby oppressing the minority's said personal space in a politically very incorrect way which requires a lot of expensive pharmaceuticals to calm and much even more expensive psychowhatsicomedical treatment thereafter, to even begin to recreate that personal fluffy cotton soft bubble of safe space. With a cookie. And a glass of milk. And mummy to tuck in the sheety sheets. And no more lulz for those nasty, nasty comediciassassins! So. You've been reading no further, of course, since lame humour is not your thing, you must have stopped right there, a few lines above. Glad you're not still reading. And for all those who like their comedy served Vodkaski (even if a bit lame)... ** How Russia hacked the British election http://russiafeed.com/how-russia-hacked-the-british-election/ ------------------------------------------------------------ Last month, acting Russian Envoy to the United Nations Vladimir Safronkov slammed Britain’s Ambassador to the UN for lying about the realities in Syria, insulting Russia and deviously scheming to create deadlock between the US and Russia after the election of well known Putin agent Donald Trump of the Autonomous Oblast of Manhattan. Today, Russia extracted […]