so basically on you have to select “machine type” rather than “as-built” to see other compatible boards :) oops ! WIN,i7-7500U,N-TPM2,SWG SYSTEM BOARDS 01LV688 NOK,i7-7500U,Y-TPM2,SWG SYSTEM BOARDS 01LV689 NOK,i7-7500U,N-TPM2,SWG SYSTEM BOARDS 01LV690 Lenovo BDPLANAR WIN,i7-7500U,Y-TPM2,SWG SYSTEM BOARDS 01LV687 It used to show a different kind of part number than just the 01LV ones, I think there is one that is like HX or something … yeah seeing this on ebay. then websearching further values finds other sites with compatibilities compatible boards 01LV679 01AX967 01HX644 01LV687 01HX692 01LV688 01LV689 01LV690 01HX602 01HX660 compatible laptops (note people have made the t480 interchangeable too) T470 20HDCT01WW T470 20HES44K00 T470 20HDCTO1WW T470 20HES99L00 T25 20K70005SG there are a _lot_ of boards in this group and it’s hard to know how far out to go. it’s cheapest to get one without its old nvidia gpu but i’ve probably gotten used to pytorch running at a certain speed :s my library computer session is ending