Hypocrisy rules... "Cuba Spreading Corona" Only Trump rallies received massive Corona condemnation by the Media, not Dem-Left's violent 2020 protests... https://summit.news/2021/07/15/media-frets-about-cuban-protesters-spreading-... Media outlets are fretting about protests in Cuba exacerbating the spread of COVID-19, concerns that were strangely absent during months of violent Black Lives Matter demonstrations. Reuters and other outlets amplified a warning by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), which said that Cubans and tourists visiting the Caribbean nation should avoid protest crowds, wear masks and wash their hands regularly. “The gathering of individuals for protests… increases the risk of transmission, in particular in cases such as Cuba where you have active transmission in many areas over the last week and 34,244 new cases reported,” said Dr. Ciro Ugarte, PAHO’s director of health emergencies. Cuban protests risk exacerbating COVID-19 spike - PAHO https://t.co/4SG5PNOCaA pic.twitter.com/2gpbtbFqAP — Reuters (@Reuters) July 14, 2021 Respondents pointed out that Reuters offered nothing but enthusiastic praise when BLM mass gatherings took place across the United States last year during the height of the pandemic and didn’t seem bothered about the protests spreading COVID. Fucking incredible https://t.co/lBjjmYxGtm pic.twitter.com/zvsDI3dZnt — Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) July 14, 2021 “I think their government shooting them might be a bigger risk,” said Jessica O’Donnell. I think their government shooting them might be a bigger risk — Jessica O’Donnell (@heckyessica) July 14, 2021 The media is following the lead of the Biden White House in seemingly valuing concerns about COVID over and above the uprising against Cuba’s tyrannical Communist government. As we highlighted earlier, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki avoided the issue of whether Cuban protesters were fighting Communism, instead avoiding the question and claiming they were protesting against “government mismanagement.” Senator Marco Rubio has called on the Biden administration to issue a vehement denunciation of “this communist, this Marxist, this socialist tyranny,” saying that America should be “clear about whose side we’re on.” Don’t expect that to happen any time soon. Psaki is more likely to chastise the demonstrators for not wearing masks.