On Fri, Oct 2, 2020, 7:48 PM Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
On Fri, Oct 02, 2020 at 10:08:42AM -0400, Karl wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 2, 2020, 8:41 AM Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
> > > Nobody is weak minded.
> >
> >
> > Biden has a weak pussy mind - dementia onset or blah.
> >
> I hit him in the head with a hammer by accident.  He'll recover.
> > Friend o' mine has a literal mental six pack!!  Man, it's amazin!  And Mr
> > Bean - Rowan Atkinson - his IQ is insane!  170+ from memory...
> >
> > (And remember, IQ is a bell curve so from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IQ
> > we see "About 2.5 percent of the population scores above 130, and 2.5
> > percent below 70".)
> >
> Measure something universal and you measure the biases of the people
> involved.

Ah, but measurement requires observation, and observing these horrible whiteness biases introduces Schroedinger's uncertainty thus liberating us from such horrible strictive racism.

Intelligence is a mental skill and I like to talk about it a lot because some people think they are stupid or smart because of who they are, rather than what they have done, had done to them, and eaten.  It's obviously bullshit since most of our brain develops before we remember anything.

Observing results in behavior change that others can further observe.

So, many of the communication channels could likely be built on marketing AI feedback.  The AIs find properties of information that are useful for meeting their goals, and copy the properties around.  It would make complex information flow between e.g. people who like knicknacks, but who have never met each other, via the marketing AIs they visit.  The behavior of the AIs would adjust the flow of symbols depending on what trended to work for their goals at the time.  They could even learn to influence each others' trending algorithms or even owners, to meet the goals of their own, because they're influencing smart human minds who can figure parts of that stuff out in response to them.

Why do you always speak in political references?

> > Trump and Biden? Like a heavy weight fighting a really old light weight
> > boxer - not fun, not pretty, doesn't make much sense.
> >
> > Kayleigh "lady McLuscious" McEnany ain't got no bitch ass weak pussy mind,
> > that's fer sure - she make the entire White House press corps suck eggs on
> > command :D
> > She is making history every other week - "mic drop" press sec champion, of
> > the world!
> >
> > "Mic Drop" McEnany has good ring to it.
> >
> >
> >
> > BTW, what a ridiculously blessedly awesomely gloriously --epic-- year of
> > epic years :)
> >
> > Create your world folks,
> >
> >
> > --
> > And pray muh gritty muffaduckas :D
> > Lotta people steppin up all over the place.
> > Pray for them.
> > And consider stepping up.
> > Your karma points this year are literally tripled, so might as well double
> > down :D
> > Did we mention "pray"?
> > Coz u know - karma.
> > Clean up your metaphorical back yard. And your .sigs ;)
> > And pray.
> > Oh and BTW, if you're not much into prayin, then Vincent Ferrer is an
> > awesome read - only from a few 100 years ago and he rocked it like few ever
> > rock it - really awesome stuff!  There's a sweet little book around, easy
> > read paperback "St. Vincent Ferrer The Angel of the Judgment", author
> > Pradel, ISBN 978-0-89555-686-8 - it was literally THAT enjoyable that I
> > bought an extra 10 and handed to friends like lollies, with good reports -
> > if you're skint, ask your library to hunt that muffa down :)
> > Is a long .sig politically incorrect?
> > Is it devious?
> >