On Tue, 21 Jul 2015 21:40:51 -0400 Nick Econopouly <nickeconopouly@gmail.com> wrote:
Interestingly enough, a lot of anarchist theory agrees with what I said- The idea that people are like blank slates and not good or evil.
No, that's not what the 'blank slate' metaphor is about. 'blank slate' is a name for the view or doctrine that the 'mind' doesn't have any kind of innate knowledge and that everything comes from experience. In the moral realm it would mean that people don't have INBORN ideas of good and evil BUT that doesn't mean that the concepts are meaningless. Only that they are acquired later in life as the mind develops. On the other hand, the people who don't regard actions as good or evil are amoralist psychos. Nothing to do with anarchism.
It says that people are influenced by the world around them and that is what determines their morality, etc.
Sure. 'anarchism' is amoralism. Slavery? Just a historical custom. War? An innocent mistake. Well not a mistake since truth and error are also 'social constructs' - or something like that.
I was hardly praising anything. What I said about people thinking they are doing good still stands. Ask any police officer, they will think that they are protecting and serving the public.
1) that is false. While a 'majority' of your beloved psychos may say that, not necessarily all do. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if the majority admitted **off the record** that they are scumbags who love to boss people around and even get paid for it. 2) even if the majority of cops *said* that they regard themselves as the good guys, so fucking what. Hey. Now I'm a pink elephant. Because I say I'm a pink elephant. J.