No -- even though you haven't told me that you're not educated on the topic, which would make it seem like you can pose as a semi-expert without anyone getting the wise. However, I can tell through analysis of your writing.
lawl - Oh wait - Are you using a super AI to do the 'analysis'?
Ha, no. I wondered if you'd catch that though.
People educated on a topic simply don't talk about the topic in the same way as those who aren't, except a few self-educated wildcards. Maybe you're one of them, but if you were, you'd know that it was bullshit (even AI gadgets like Alexa and such -- stick with Roomba-level and you'll be more accurate). so...
Ill spell it out for you : the AI bullshit I was referring to is image recognition. Of course there isn't anything 'intelligent' in it, it just works by brute force on FASTER CHEAPER HARDWARE.
Ah, you are right in theory.
Have you ever talked to a high-level government official?
No. But I've talked to a lot of lackeys of 'high level officials'.
And you're conclusion is that they could find a needle of intelligence in a mountain of hay? In theory, yes. In practice, they don't know how. Perhaps they're archiving it for some future time however when they have the tech.
They cultivate and harness the feelings you are expressing so they can live in that magical moment of power you provide.
if you are a surveillance state with records of people all over the planet, do you want your targets to know that you have that 'capability' or do you want them to believe you don't?
the answer to the rhetorical question is obviously : if you are a spy you don't want your victims to realize they are being spied on. So you lie and say you can't spy on them cause it's 'too expensive'.
in other words what you are saying is what a government agent would say.
SHIT. Yet, in may analysis you are analyzing from the pov of a paranoiac -- not an intelligent skeptic. Which is why you'd better making a path to enlightenment. Governments don't care much about that activity.
"No one knows how to make flash memory "
the hell is that supposed to mean? Do you think jesus makes flash memory?
I'm wondering about it. I'm just saying there are powers that people tap into without even knowing about it and that science hasn't understood. Things like quantum entanglement.
the target of surveillance is joe-six pack, not any 'terrists' that only exist in the mind of fascist juedo-christian scum from the 'developed world'.
Yeah, and joe sixpack isn't generating any useful data to analyze by your super AI network. So all that work for nuthin'.
"joe sixpack isn't generating any useful data"
of course he is - and here you show again that you are either clueless or spreading misinformation on purpose.
I'll let you figure out why totalitarian governemnts (that is all governments) find it very useful to know what their tax cattle think and do.
I think you are onto something, but that "something" is not technological in nature.
It shows I got high up at one point -- that's all. I probably got it from being in jail, actually. But seriously, you're better off following a path to enlightenment then getting super specialized in crypto or anything else technical at this point.
not sure if you're using the impersonal you, but I am not getting specialized in crypto anyway
Well, what are you actually here for?
My writing is going to be wierd. It's true -- it comes from a very unique journey across the unknown, but treat it/me like digital shaman -- wild but magically, technically accurate.
though in reality you are mostly arguing for its own sake. YOU said "the internet has been turned into the old medium" which I take it to mean the internet has become an outlet for the same old propaganda.
No, it has become a medium for people to express their ego, not to connect to one another or motivate society. Marxos