On 6/6/20, Punk-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
On Sat, 6 Jun 2020 23:48:00 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Our society has seen a history that the existence of recorded video provides evidence against wrong-doers.
LMAO. Keep preaching surveillance technofascism Jim, you're doing a great job.
And how exactly you proposing to stop this "progress" JuanG? How you going to call them wrong state fuckers out? Stop them wrong fucks? You know how many times people here everywhere been harassed wronged infringed upon by ridiculous "authority" "policy" with no recorded evidence to even fight it or embarass them, share them to world of sheep help wake them, etc. What the fuck you gonna do JuanG? What your magical proposal JuanG? Yeah, unless you JuanG come up with some total solution that whoever likes, they and Jim is always free to see about make and sell crypted recording devices, publish that stream in realtime to RTL-SDR airwaves for local archiving activists just like ADS-B, Ham, etc, so when pigs smash devices, and YouFaceOogleInstaReddSnap delete, it still there when owner or their lawyer d/l and decrypt it. At least then, regardless what people think about tools, power not have all the gadget tools for themselves. Alternately... Who loses arms races? How long races last? Who gets smashed along the way? Even smashing everything still leaves relative problem of authoritarial thoughts over others. Unless you smash all sentient life to dust. Or educate and retrain it away. Then tech does not matter.