On 12/16/2016 10:02 AM, jim bell wrote:
*From:* Razer <rayzer@riseup.net>
On 12/15/2016 11:48 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Julian Assange: ‘Our Source Is Not the Russian Government’
He said that MONTHS ago.
He was just repeating it for the illiterates who need to see it on a Right-Wing TeeVee channel.
Ps. Handjob & braitfart are a little slow. Like most lIbertards and Fascist alt-Righturds
Vicious, but really, REALLY slow.
If anything, I don't think it's primarily the right-wing who are actually believing the "Russia hacked the election" story. I think that story is at least designed, in part, for such people as an audience, hoping that they will 'bite'. Instead, I think it is the Hillary-supporters and other left-wingers who are putting out this implausible story.
I think you're confusing Progressive-Liberals with "Left-Wing". Progressive-Liberals aren't to the 'left' of anything except perhaps John McCain. It's mainly the Clinton crowd hanging onto the "Russia did it" trope. Hillary Clinton is certainly NOT "Left". She's a corporatist warmonger. Most of the people I know who I consider 'left' consider elections a sham that reinforces existing systems and don't participate. Others may have voted in the primaries for Sanders, and disillusioned despite warnings from anyone who knew anything about the Democrats and Bernie (just ask anyone in Vermont how 'left' Sanders is), stood down and didn't vote, or perhaps voted for Stein.
I don't mean that it is entirely implausible that Russia (or many others) hacked the DNC/Podesta sources. But Russia as the ONLY potential bogey-man, and as if we can ignore other sources, that's currently a left-wing story. The MSM repeats this daily, even hourly. They've been looking for things to blame Hillary's loss on for weeks, and have generally given up other stories.
It will probably be eventually found that some state-supported person within Russia had the capability to obtain these emails, and quite possibly did so, and would have been willing to release them to Wikileaks (or others).
I don't really think the Russian government cares whose president of the US at all as long as the person isn't nutjob enough to push the button as soon as they're inaugurated. They have their own country to run. I also just read that Russia is no longer in the big five military spenders. They aren't looking to stir up a war. That's the US modus. Rr
But that is not inconsistent with the idea that Wikileaks eventually, and actually, got these emails from a different source: The current claim that people within the DNC did that, is quite plausible.
Jim Bell