The Dumbell was a Statist most of his rotten miserable life ( to 1995 ) Fast forward to a few years ago and he starts associating with murderer's and rapists - you know - the Jeff Berwick, Julian Assange, multi-millionaire LOL-GOP type. Economic-freedom for me - but not for thee - is not just rank hypocrisy but also violently opposed to cryptoanarchy. As Bakunin once sagely observed ... " Freedom without (crypto) anarchism is PRIVILEGE and INJUSTICE ..." Why all right-libertarians are universally despised and wear such an obnoxious and toxic air of SCUMBAG ENTITLEMENT. Paultards. TL/DR Jim Bell used to be a useful idiot for anarchism ( 1995 - 2015 aprox ) Now he's just a dangerous liability. He actively supports anti-social criminal millionaires. FUCK HIM and all who sail in him.