On 1/5/21, professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
Beginning with the early cypherpunks and PGP, then progressing to the creation and adoption of Bitcoin today, cryptographic keys have quietly seeped into every aspect of our digital lives.
Control of these keys by individuals - not institutions, governments, or third parties - promises a shockwave of changes in the coming years - transforming free speech, digital surveillance, the future of finance, even the nature of government itself.
Keybase, which its founders Coyne and Krohn have a history of selling out, sold out KB to Zoom, a heavily chinese company... just censored and nuked tens of 3d printing users and groups off keybase because pew pew. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoom_Video_Communications#Censorship You're not going to "birth", and certainly will never keep any power by putting it on centralized corporate services that are themselves subject to the whim of the state. Learn faster, key more, distribute, build, adopt.