regarding border crossing behaviors of the powers that be, it seems the most expedient response to detainments and data dupe'ings [0][1][2] is to answer with deterrent. possibilities to dissuade dastardly detours: - sunlight the best disinfectant; publicize attempts at intimidation and friction at crossings. - every detainment incurs a disclosure of intelligence collection technique. (requires a pool of un-disclosed spook ballast) - every detour spurs privacy enhancing technology development. a bounty for the most desired improvements, aggressive tactics lead directly to more users, better features, stronger privacy. other ideas? how many Tor trac tickets threatened to be develop to ensure ioerror a safe domestic passage? best regards, 0. "... her work has been hampered by constant harassment by border agents during more than three dozen border crossings into and out of the United States. She has been detained for hours and interrogated and agents have seized her computer, cell phone and reporters notes and not returned them for weeks." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Poitras#Government_surveillance 1. "I'm flying back to the US after writing about helping Ed Snowden and the journalists he leaked documents to. Wish me luck at the border." - https://twitter.com/micahflee/status/529191556897443840 2. "I'm looking forward to the time when we don't have to worry about politically motivated US border harassment. A distant time, probably." - https://twitter.com/ioerror/status/529206920838930433