There has been a massive cyber attack going on in Las Vegas for the 10 days and almost no mention on the news because they do not want to taint public opinion on digital currency. (CBDC) by purehandsome So, I love Las Vegas and I have a few bloggers I follow on Instagram. One blogger called vegasstarfish has been giving daily updates about a bunch of hackers that took over a bunch of casinos. Some of the casinos paid the hackers, some didn't. The hackers took down the internal systems. So no checking in via computers, websites didn't work, no parking, no automatic payouts, slot machines now work but they had to hand pay, some machines do not work, and more. You get the idea. It sounds like this is getting resolved but for me we have not heart anything about it except a brief mention in an online news source. My guess is that they are keeping it off the news to obviously keep people coming to Vegas, but also I think they are keeping it off the news so that the dumbed down public doesn't start thinking that the digital prison they are building for us, is a bad idea. All these people cheering for digital currency might make the connection that "a system could go down" and they wouldn't be able to buy their McDonalds. Of course they will never question that the Government will be able to dictate and control their every action, destroying your life at the touch of a button, but maybe if they knew they couldn't get their chicken nuggies, they might wake the hell up.