So we're reaching “Peak Liberal Lefty Loonies” it seems - now math “promotes White privilege” because Pythagoras was White. No "or something" on this one - and this from a University “Professor” (scare quotes intended). When the dust from the collapse of the USA empire finally settles, there will be rich mining opportunities for comedians chasing these seams of something slightly less than sanity. And get this - this "math is so huwaite" "problem" is actually argued in a recently published book. Yes, "education and intellect is dangerous" - you heard it on cypherpunks first. Everyone is -equal- dammit, and any dissent MUST be quashed (and such words are soon to be removed from the American language since they're a bit too big for many folks, and the average capacity shall be legislated - thus reducing the average by an average of 50%, which shall precipitate a further round of "privilege for the underprivileged" - Idiocrisy in real live action‼) ** Looney college professor says algebra and geometry promote white privilege. http://redpilltimes.com/professor-says-algebra-and-geometry-perpetuate-white-privilege/?utm_source=Red+Pill+Times+Newsletter&utm_campaign=0cbfb964fe-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a30275c48d-0cbfb964fe-85899125 Rochelle Gutierrez, a professor at the University of Illinois, made the claim in a new anthology for math teachers, arguing that teachers must be aware of the “politics that mathematics brings” in society.