I hereby found Crazy Peace. My name is Karl Semich. I am a collection of confused memories and values trapped in a misbehaving body and brain. Crazy Peace is a discussion group open to all, where it is understood that members may be severely confused or struggling, but a value is held that we are all inherently good, and we strive for great rational harmony in the world. One can infer, since everyone is welcome, that all people (and even all things) are inherently good, but we ask for a tiny bit of effort be put in, in the group, to demonstrate this. My immediate dreams include branching out beyond a personal thread on the cypherpunks list and introducing my idea to 1 other person, making a logical system in my mind or on paper or in a computer to defend caring thoughts, and preventing all suffering and protecting all individuals and ways of being on the planet. To help the thread be more okay for craziness, here is some crazy stuff: why is but and apple corebinge! if? !!!!!!