PAY ATTENTION: MSM will NEVER Expose This! Sudanese Imam: "Hatred And Hostility Towards [The Jews] Is a Part of our Faith.... It Is Forbidden to normalize relations with them" Meanwhile, Left-wing media is irate that Trump banned Sudan from the diversity visa lottery program. Ex-Muslim who is now a Christian slams the anti-Semitic UN! Kasim Hafeez addresses the pandemic global Islamic Jew Hatred he was taught from birth Media refuses to report on this Jew-Hatred. Instead, they attack, stalk & libel me, a Jew, for daring to shine a light on this evil "The Turkish government's top Imam Ali Erbas, who oversees around 80,000 mosques with a clerical workforce of approximately 150,000 in Turkey and abroad, held a televised prayer today, in which he asked for victory for Hamas in Gaza against Israel." - Abdullah Bozkurt Not only does Ali Erbas, the president of Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet), control all of Turkey's mosques, but he also controls what is being preached in all of their mosques worldwide. The Diyanet sends Turkish imams to Turkish-controlled Mosques all throughout the West to influence their congregants to not assimilate into Europe and push Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's radical Islamic agenda. Remember a few years ago, when Erdoğan was in Cologne, Germany, he urged Turkish immigrants not to assimilate and called the assimilation of migrants in Europe “a crime against humanity.” Erdoğan’s DITIB imams have even been caught reporting dissidents to Turkey’s Embassy in Germany. Erdoğan has continuously made it clear that Turkish-controlled mosques in foreign countries are military outposts for his loyal soldiers... It has been proven that DITIB mosques in the West have shown major fifth-column activities. In addition, they uncovered hateful preaching against the West, Jews, Christians, and anti-assimilation sentiments, so WHY do Western governments ALLOW Turkish-funded mosques to operate in their country? Shut down these dangerous Mosques!!