23 Nov
23 Nov
9:25 a.m.
If you have a moment, this is kinda fun - Greenwald has in the past been, on occasion, apparently not too far removed from the MSM itself, though it seems, judging by his current "demolition derby" win rate against the MSM that he has finally found his freedom from the MSM (and "investors") grenback cocaine control regime. And if this new and improved "finally with steadfast principles" continues, we will be able to say that at least literarily, Greenwald finally found his balls. And THAT, good people, is a very good thing indeed. Go Glenn! Glenn Greenwald Levels MSM Journo Who Claims He's 'Endangering' CIA-Mouthpiece Media https://www.zerohedge.com/political/glenn-greenwald-levels-msm-journo-who-cl...