https://medium.com/coinmonks/bitcoin-assassination-markets-could-quickly-end... JVictor42 Mar 13 2022 Bitcoin assassination markets could quickly end war Writer and libertarian Tim Bell, described by Wired Magazine as “one of the Internet’s most famous essayists,” reported in 1997 that after the creation of an Internet-native cryptocurrency-such as Bitcoin (BTC)-the world’s first decentralized assassination markets would emerge. Bell describes in 10 articles entitled Assassination Politics, how these markets could work. Initially, the heads of dictators, despots and psychopaths could be put up for a bounty, similar to the jurisdiction of the American Old West, where there was a reward for criminals; “Wanted dead or alive.” The prize could easily be raised in a voluntary fundraiser done in cryptocurrency. How many people would be willing to pay the equivalent of $10 dollars to see their country’s dictator die? Perhaps millions. “Consider how history might have changed if we had been able to “overthrow” Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, Kim Il Sung, Ho Chi Minh, Ayatollah Khomeini, Saddam Hussein, Moammar Khadafi, and several others, along with all their replacements if necessary, all for a measly few million dollars, instead of the billions of dollars and millions of lives that subsequent wars have cost.” — Tim Bell. The reward would then be awarded to whoever could accurately “predict” the day of death of the person with a price on his head. Usually, this person would be the killer himself. Payment would be made in cryptocurrency, so that it would not be possible to identify who received the prize. Russian-Ukrainian War If such a market already existed at a more advanced stage of trust and liquidity, Vladimir Putin’s head would certainly be on the line by now. Surely, many powerful people today already have an interest that the Russian pseudo-dictator disappears. However, allowing anonymous payment to anyone close enough to consummate the act — such as employees, friends or family members — exponentially increases the chance of an eventual attack. The same could happen with Volodymyr Zelensky, president of Ukraine, who has tyrannically prevented men from leaving the country, as well as politicians and high-ranking officials in the Russian and Ukrainian governments who are condoning these actions. “At the Village pizzeria, while they were sitting down to a pepperoni, Dorothy asked Jim: ‘So, what other inventions are you working on? Jim replied: ‘I have a new idea, but it’s really evolutionary. Literally REVOLUTIONARY.’ “Okay, Jim, which government are you planning to overthrow?” she asked, jokingly. ‘All of them,’ he replied.” Problems to be solved In order to create a market like this, some fundamental issues will need to be solved. Bitcoin needs to have more anonymity and fungibility, something that should occur over the next few years with updates and soft forks. Taproot, the last major update to the Bitcoin network, was another step toward making transactions harder to trace. When this occurs, and a market emerges that demonstrates trust and success in its first use cases, such as enabling the assassination of some small country dictator, it would certainly attract attention and funding from around the world. Like it? Consider donating some satoshis to this brazilian humble bitconer: 1BxmvJGdfPWFoXa6qQpk9FafmLT6BKxFJB An assassination market paid in bitcoin could potentially end hundreds of despot conflicts around the world in a much more efficient and less costly way.