On 9/14/16 11:11 PM, oshwm wrote:
The UK Gov has spent two generations indoctrinating people right from birth that privacy is only for bad people, big corporations will look after them, gov dependency is a good thing, debt is a good thing, politics is of no interest and too complicated for them etc etc

Only subversive types would think otherwise and so any of you opposing their plans are quite simply extremists and terrorists.

Did the movie V for Vendetta play in the UK much?

We do hear surprising things, like self defense being practically outlawed.

We've gone mostly the other way.  We're chock full of subversives and subversive preparation in case it is needed.  This takes a number of forms, including guns, stand your ground laws, etc.  Just the other day someone was showing me his handgun, complete with silencer.  Legal and licensed for concealed carry in that state, including the silencer.

The worst problems, in places like Chicago and parts of Oakland, are that whole areas have gone somewhat subversive and rogue, at least at certain times.  This could be thought of as undirected subversiveness.  Google 'sideshows Oakland' for some interesting videos.

Unless the peoples minds can be 'reprogrammed' then those of us subversive types who have somehow avoided being brainwashed will become criminals according to the state.

American TV and movies don't help?  ;-)

So, Brits on the list, expect a bumpy ride.

On 15 September 2016 00:07:44 GMT+01:00, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
The 90's was simple existance, not the depth of mass application. If people
think the 90's was the last fight, or a big fight, or some kind of
defining success,
it's suggested they're terribly mistaken. The application is causing govt's and
useless legacy power structures worldwide to lose some control in certain areas,
and they're approaching panic mode. When an animal is panicked, it
gets ugly, fast.
You don't want that. Yet you can't turn back. So you need to push the envelope
harder, faster... so as to make panic mode but a forgone blink in time, rebuffed
by the legion of myriad pressure against them... and push them
straight into a feeble
state of shock, then kill them before they can regain composure and
enact vengeance.

Keep yer sails full, keels wet, and cannon hot.
