Scrolling down their list of articles I can say with confidence:

"God I am tired of making the poor and the female look better by force" - women are a majority, black and whites are both minorities (yellow fellows outnumber us all), and aside from how fast we burn in the sun it's pretty hard to say what other differences our separation has made us have. One should discriminate as accurately as possible, and fight one's tendency to be unrealistic. End of interest.

Nestle realized the African middle class does not really grow as expected and scales down plans? -> HATEFUL MULTINATIONAL IGNORING LOW INCOMES
USD bill will get new face? -> TRY TO FIND A >>>FEMALE<<< FOR IT, JUSTICE YEEE
Makers in Hollywood movies? -> WHY AREN'T THERE FEMALES IN THESE MOVIES
Popular now? "What happened to the women who graduated IIT's in the 90s?" (probably mostly whatever the hell they made happen to them)
White guy shoots up a church filled with black people? It was definitely a Hate Crime, and having a church for "African Methodists" is not even remotely racist to begin with.

And regarding this main article, why do people always find it amusing when it becomes impossible to execute the law? It's totally unclear if this guy broke the law or not. He created a shitty currency and got the local population to use it. They evade tax with it. They claim no inflation - but have no control. There's no way to distinguish a local influential sneaky businessperson from a goofy farmer. He claims not to know how large the supply/pool of his currency is - yet claims no inflation? Then he's a fool or a liar, and for misguiding his fellow townsman he may deserve to be punished.

If only they had the common sense to hold a proper trial. Most likely this will float up to a higher, more well funded court, which will accurately discern the crimes and dish out insane punishments in accordance to law, or this will end in a "guilty but no punishment" situation - the best law abiding citizens can give one another in times where everything is done but nothing is permitted.

OTOH: good fun, with the bartering and the like ;)