On 06/17/2015 09:31 AM, Tim Beelen wrote:
Really, I did not know that. And this yet another reason as to why Congress needs to stop paying their bills.
Making it sound awesome like you just did is not what I'd hoped for however :D
That decription came from the MSM news (McClatchy I believe) describing a DynCorp C-130 strafing of a column of cars thought to contain the International Court Union government driving down a Somali road. The article contained the information that the column of cars was strafed in that manner for TWO DAYS leaving nothing but 'metal confetti'. Later it was found out (because of resurfacing in the media of the ICU government's people) that the cars DID NOT have any of the fleeing ICU officials in them. Target practice. RR
On 6/17/2015 12:07 PM, Razer wrote:
On 06/17/2015 05:53 AM, Tim Beelen wrote:
They (the CIA)started out gathering intelligence, gained intelligence gathering capabilities and now have capabilities to operate independently to some extent for some years. Understatement of the century-to-date: Operate independently? They operate THE largest government funded mercenary army in the fucking world. The WHOLE of the Yemen drone wars program AND in SOMALIA too (They're 'just black people'. Not too much news on that front) and so much other mayhem is DIRECTED BY THE CIA NOT THE PENTAGON, and it's contractors such as DynCorp, which has a fleet of C-130 gunships with chainguns that can push the plane sideways through the sky when fired and turn cars into metal confetti.