This may not have 'gone' the first time. Jim Bell From: jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> To: Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net>; "cypherpunks@cpunks.org" <cypherpunks@cpunks.org> Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 10:12 PM Subject: Re: Assange outs the DNC e-mail "leaker" From: Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net>
Julian Assange has, in a deniable and snarky way, told the world that DNC staff member Seth Rich was the source of the DNC e-mail leak. And put a $20k bounty on the head of whoever murdered him.
I'm skeptical of this conclusion. Obviously, Wikileaks has the provision to allow people to leak information anonymously. That doesn't mean that any givenleaker was anonymous to them, but it's still a possibility. And even if anonymous, it would be a good guess that the leaker was an insider.The sudden and suspicious death of an insider would at least seem to point to a possible identity. Julian Assange knows that there will be much speculation;Wikileaks has a powerful motivation to keep the leaks coming, and it knows that people will be paying attention to how it deals with such possibilities. It mighteven be suspected that to fail to offer such a reward, implies that Wikileaks didn't care about (possible) leakers. What should he do? If it were me,I'd offer such a reward, even if I knew for certain the victim wasn't the leaker. Offering such a reward even where they know it isn't the leaker would also havethe side-benefit of diverting attention from the actual leaker, whoever he mighthappen to be. Jim Bell
As a "legal" variant on AP, crowdfunding a more than matching bounty could be a useful exercise. There would of course have to be a time limit, and an alternate beneficiary in the event that the reward goes unclaimed. Wikileaks itself seems like a good candidate for the alternative beneficiary. Yes! An excellent suggestion.
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