On Wed, 18 Oct 2017 01:40:40 +0000 "\\0xDynamite" <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
Listen, I'm sorry you're broke, but if you feel the need for money,
I bet I spend a lot less money than you - an american - do.
consider that animals don't have any at all. So the real issue is who took your natural-born right (if you believe in the Biblical code) to have land?
natural rights have fuck to do with that piece of sick shit known as the bible. And wait you are a "doctor of theology" too, right?
The real reason is GUNS. And obviously the dolar isn't 'tied' to oil since the oil price in dollars...you know...changes. Or perhaps you don't know that?
No, that keeps you from STEALING money.
OK. I should't really have bothered with you. But I'll state it again, for the record : you are a fucking apologist of the US system of fake money and global looting. Fucking US doillar is backed by the biggest most criminal army on the planet. That's where the dollar's 'value' comes from.
Also, bitcoin inflation is a lot smaller than paper money inflation. So as per your own logic it should have more 'value'. And, so far, it does.
Has anyone actually analyzed the rate at which people will accept Bitcoin for actual goods they produce? I mean, will an artist accept 1 Bitcoin for a $10 CD? Or do they inflate the cost of the good to handle their constructed idea of risk for handling things in bitcoins?
That's right you don't NEED to. But what do you do when no one produces any songs because they can't get enough money to produce them?
dude - go learn the ABC of arguments against your pro intellectual property bullshit. I'm not going to repeat them here.
You mean "you heard this argument before in a pro-IP conversation", yet that doesn't invalidate the argument.
your fucking songwriters can sell hot dogs on the street and then go home and write songs.
Yeah, but if you want to create a real solution with bitcoin, you want a solution where they can write songs, get paid with bitcoin, and chillout and see what else there is to do in the world.
The problem is that Bitcoin is a solution in NEED of a problem. You get it?
You are out of your fucking mind, aren't you? Bitcoin would prevent your fucking nazi government from printing trillions of fake money. Ditto for any other government.
It's not fake, if you're using it, is it? You apparently believe in it, so what is the real problem?