But if you want to know how all this bullshit really works look at what the great grarpamp commented on the topic "And if it takes lies and propaganda and regulation to stop that now...then so be it." The guy is clearly admitting that lies, propaganda and murdering psychos with guns, aka 'the state', are 'legitimate means' for the scammers/green nutcases like him and all the rest of the 'scientific' mafia to further their interests. On Wed, 27 Apr 2016 21:55:32 -0400 John Newman <> wrote:
-- John
On Apr 27, 2016, at 9:21 PM, John Newman <> wrote:
On Apr 27, 2016, at 4:06 PM, jim bell <> wrote:
On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 11:33:28AM +1000, James A. Donald wrote:
Yes, the glaciers in Iceland are retreating - to reveal the ruins of farmhouses.
And while they melt they raise global sea levels, projected to raise a minimum of ~3ft bt 2100. And sea levels won't magically stop raising at 2100. This spells fucking catastrophe for major coastal cities -> e.g. New York, Miami, Bangkok, New Orleans, etc etc.
I've recently read that sea level is rising about 2.6-2.9 millimeters per year. in 84 years, that would be 0.231 meters, or a bit less than one half foot. Where do you get the "a minimum of 3 feet"?
A book called The Flooded Earth by Peter Ward, an astrobiologist with NASA. But there are lots of places on the net that quote similar numbers -
-- John