Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren 22h Censored, not silent. outkick.com/emails-reveal-wh… Emails Reveal White House Official Asked Facebook to Censor Tomi Lahren on COVID Vaccines New emails reveal that White House officials demanded that Facebook censor Tomi Lahren for opposition to the COVID vaccines. outkick.com 289 551 25 3,868 Tomi Lahren retweeted Ted Cruz @tedcruz Jan 7 This is brazen government censorship. If there are any actual “journalists” remaining in the corrupt corporate media, they should vocally condemn the Biden White House getting their lap dogs in Big Tech to silence major media outlets. Greg Price @greg_price11 Jan 7 Here is an email from White House Digital Director @RFlaherty46 telling Facebook to censor @TuckerCarlson and @TomiLahren. They respond “running this down now.” This is completely insane and a total violation of the first amendment. Show this thread 818 1,644 82 6,090 Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren 4h This photo op with border patrol agents is utterly useless if sleepy Joe is gonna refuse to take their advice!! 135 106 6 1,119 Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren 4h Joe should go meet with the cartels, he’s funding them. 482 504 36 4,587 Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren 5h Everyone exiting that plane in El Paso right now, should be impeached! 242 340 26 3,657 Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren 6h This is the tweet the White House wanted to “reduce.” If me saying that I will not get the COVID jab caused others to think twice before getting it, I will wear that like a badge of honor! Perhaps my tweet played some role in protecting them from heart issues or sudden death! 169 245 11 1,501 Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren 6h “Irregular migration” HA! It’s an invasion and it’s not an accident, it’s by your design!! Close the border!!! RNC Research @RNCResearch Jan 6 Karine Jean-Pierre claims Biden "inherited a mess" at the southern border, then says "Republicans made it worse." 🤔 Show this thread 611 296 37 1,754 Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren 6h States should not have to put flipping shipping containers on the border to protect this country while the Biden administration allows for a free-for-all!! 157 204 6 1,887 Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren 8h I think I speak on behalf of all of the voices and accounts who have been censored, we would like the White House to acknowledge and apologize for this. Immediately. Matt Orfalea @0rf 21h BREAKING: Biden's Digital Director told Facebook to censor @TuckerCarlson and @TomiLahren just for saying she won't take the vaccine! #FacebookFiles 261 314 19 1,768 Tomi Lahren retweeted Scott Taylor @Scotttaylorva 8h NOT OK, this government official working to silence critics, whatever you may think of @TomiLahren or @TuckerCarlson . Even, if you think it’s horrible they said vaccines don’t work (they certainly didn’t work as professed). “Democracy dies in darkness” @washingtonpost Greg Price @greg_price11 Jan 7 Here is an email from White House Digital Director @RFlaherty46 telling Facebook to censor @TuckerCarlson and @TomiLahren. They respond “running this down now.” This is completely insane and a total violation of the first amendment. Show this thread 34 154 9 581 Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren 8h Unacceptable! Tom Fitton @TomFitton Jan 7 This looks to be criminal activity by Biden WH targeting @TuckerCarlson and @TomiLahren. 135 337 13 2,032 Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren 9h This is the tweet from April 2021 the White House was concerned about and triggered them to ask Twitter to “reduce” me. Unbelievable. Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren 12 Apr 2021 I personally will not get the COVID vaccine/will not be forced to get it. If you want to get it, by all means please do. If you want to wear 1, 2 or 5 masks driving/walking alone, by all means please do. If you are terrified of returning to “old normal” by all means stay home!! 194 232 9 1,644 Tomi Lahren retweeted Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren 22h Censored, not silent. outkick.com/emails-reveal-wh… Emails Reveal White House Official Asked Facebook to Censor Tomi Lahren on COVID Vaccines New emails reveal that White House officials demanded that Facebook censor Tomi Lahren for opposition to the COVID vaccines. outkick.com 289 551 25 3,868 Tomi Lahren retweeted Attorney General Andrew Bailey @AGAndrewBailey Jan 7 Here, the Biden White House directs Facebook to shut down conservative voices @TuckerCarlson and @TomiLahren (4/9) 206 2,554 160 6,251 Show this thread Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren Jan 7 Am I shocked?! Greg Price @greg_price11 Jan 7 Here is an email from White House Digital Director @RFlaherty46 telling Facebook to censor @TuckerCarlson and @TomiLahren. They respond “running this down now.” This is completely insane and a total violation of the first amendment. Show this thread 428 1,034 49 3,746 Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren Jan 7 +Secure the border Clay Travis @ClayTravis Jan 7 Now that Republicans officially have a speaker the job is simple: keep Joe Biden from making everything worse for two years until he can be sent to retirement home in 2024, conduct primetime hearings on big tech collusion, & hold Fauci’s feet to fire on his covid lies. Let’s roll 126 115 9 1,154 Tomi Lahren retweeted Rep. Jim Jordan @Jim_Jordan Jan 7 Time to get to work. 10,818 4,222 661 56,039 Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren Jan 7 Now it’s time to get to work on securing the border. Here’s the first question our House majority needs to ask Biden officials..,, OutKick @Outkick Jan 7 .@TomiLahren: The one question Democrats CANNOT answer about our open border….. 74 84 4 513 Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren Jan 7 Good lord just get it done. This is enough of this. #speaker 463 89 13 1,780 Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren Jan 6 January 6 is the only day Democrats gave a shit about law-enforcement. Not a single day before, not a single day after. Don’t be fooled.