As is well known to many people these days, there are some topics which are just so much taboo and any mention of (((those who control media, the banks, Hollywood and so much more))) typically results in a rein of journalistic and media terror against the one who --dares-- to say for example "hey lookie here a second, seems ALL CNN's owners and executives are orthodox Jews". We know how -that- one turned out for one basement dwelling deplorable meme creator, with CNN bringing their billion dollar global heavyweight media corporation against the lone individual whose OTHER "CNN body slam" meme got duplicated by some OTHER individual into a debatably-mildly-humorous WRE spoof video, which (and this is where it really got funny of course, and public), the Don retweeted from one of his big-man-syndrome skyscrapers. And CNN went ballistic. And undercover. And routed out that basement-dwelling deplorable meme creator! Routed him out for a lesson that is (for everything else, there's Mir card). And CNN put their offer to him that he just, couldn't, refuse. Well well well ... the original basement dwelling meme creator quickly capitulated with "sorry"s and "I'll never do it again I promise"s and "CNN is a wonderful company and I really should never have created such a meme in the first place, please believe me!" And, as is now known and as is now history, CNN in this way single handedly, incisively, decisively, certainly, and also unequivocally, made public discussion and debate appropriate and widely acceptable again, of the very grande, very olde, very J and very Q ... <drum roll please> ... J.Q.! Yes folks the Jewish Question is once again after 70 long years open for public debate and exactly which version of that question you choose to so debate, is of course a matter for you (unless of course you cower to the mighty authority of CNN's offers you just, can't, refuse :D Now this is almost all impossible to believe - except for one simple fact - this all --actually-- just happened. As they say, wonders never cease in the realm of conservative nationalistic tribal group-think and "we're so tuff we be thugs against lone basement-dwelling meme creators who got duplicated by someone who got posted by someone who got retweeted by the POTUS". And since we, CNN, are 100% Jewish owned and controlled, and that random basement dwelling meme creator showed us up, we're gonna make SURE you never forget it! OK CNN, we got it. You wanted to make sure we don't forget you, and how we must bow low to your "chosen bastards" authority. Heard you on that one CNN. Loud and clear there CNN! I'm saluting you CNN snapping my heels together for you as I do so CNN! I will do as you say CNN since I'm so fearful of you CNN. You are right and proper together, CNN, yes siree CNN, I am in obedient awe of your power and authoritay there CNN! Jews Rock! The original song - "Jews Rock" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k06lLDDe-b4 Really, how effing --swell-- of you CNN! Now I can sleep so well at night, CNN. Just so glad you cleared up this very important question right on up, and let us all know how we GOT to behave. Yep, we heard your message CNN, loud, and, clear! And so now folks, everyone can talk. Talk about the truth. Talk about facts. And oddly enough, strange though it may seem to those who would so like to (((shut it down))) ... some folks are beginning to talk. Talking about tribal authority, about the chosen bastards with their group abandonment complex about left out in the desert by Arch Angel Gabriel for 80 years (damn, that IS some serious abandonment!), and about everything else we choose to talk about! Yes CNN just got one hell of an award from The Ministry. But yes, we all just (((dang it))) - keep talkin. And ho! Now we got Jewgle, GoD-addy-s own authority, FaceSlut, Twatter and the rest all racing this clock to try SHUT IT DOWN YO! Who could ever believe it? I mean seriously, Jews trying to shut it down - who could ever believe that rumour? Just check out the shekels being burned to try handle this fallout (that literally no one could have predicted): ** Google hiring 1,000 journalists in effort to control American news flow http://theduran.com/google-hiring-1000-journalists-in-effort-to-control-amer... ------------------------------------------------------------ It's about controlling information offline and online. Absolutely stunning folks,: - the hubris - the wealth being thrown at this "problem" - the burning of all decency and civil rights (see the latest against GAB just in today in a recent thread It's been said by many folks for a few years now: - if you don't own it, you don't control it - if you don't control it, it WILL be used against you Typical "use against you" includes, to pick totally random example, to shut it down (your freedom of speech that is). Who could ever have predicted this basic principles? And here we have it folks .. the public discussion on the one and only JQ be startin' to get up a head o' steam: ** America's Jews Are Driving America's Wars http://russia-insider.us9.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=fa2faf7034c3c3c413cb3652f&id=371913e0ee&e=5110f4b440 Orig link is here: http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/americas-jews-are-driving-americas-wars/ - but please note, the R-I link has other links, such as to an article about the author "Giraldi" being censored by the usual social network giants ("shut it down"? - who could ever imagine this???) ------------------------------------------------------------ by Philip Giraldi on Tue, Sep 19, 2017 Editor's Note: Kudos to Giraldi for stating what everybody knows but nobody is willing to say in print, and to Ron Unz the publisher of the Unz Review. Unz is Jewish, so perhaps that is why he is able to publish something like this. Most Gentile publishers outside the Alt-Right are too scared to, and Jewish publishers simply won't. We need more of this fair, balanced discussion. We ran an important piece by Giraldi yesterday where he details his personal experience of being censored on the internet. And if the pending USA Zio-finance one-world BIS system collapse is more your thang, that too is on everybody's metaphorical organ's of speech: ** Military Defeat as a Financial Collapse Trigger - The Epic US Fail in Syria http://russia-insider.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fa2faf7034c3c3c413cb3652f&id=be474ae66f&e=5110f4b440 ------------------------------------------------------------ by Dmitry Orlov on Tue, Sep 19, 2017 Orlov is one of our favorite essayists on Russia and all sorts of other things. He moved to the US as a child, and lives in the Boston area. He is a widely-read specialist on societal collapse. He has a large following on the web, and on Patreon, and we urge you to support him there, as Russia Insider does. His current project is organizing the production of affordable house boats for living on. Orlov lives on a boat himself. Oh yeah, have no doubt it's coming round the corner: ** Unknown Oil & Gas Deal Just Changed The Global Energy Balance http://russia-insider.us9.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=fa2faf7034c3c3c413cb3652f&id=86d13b5725&e=5110f4b440 ------------------------------------------------------------ by Dave Forest on Tue, Sep 19, 2017 One of the biggest energy stories this year has been Russia’s Rosneft buying India’s Essar Oil — giving the Russian company a firm grip on one of the world’s biggest emerging oil and gas markets. And this past week, that story got more complex. With Rosneft striking another big deal — drawing in another heavyweight energy nation. China. Rosneft announced Friday it is selling a significant chunk of its equity to Chinese investors. In this case, little-know exploration and production firm CEFC China Energy. ** The Amazing War Drama Playing Out in Syria - Another Great Russian TV Report http://russia-insider.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fa2faf7034c3c3c413cb3652f&id=f22354eaf3&e=5110f4b440 ------------------------------------------------------------ by Matfey Shaheen on Tue, Sep 19, 2017 This TV segment is already a week old, but we just managed to get our hands on the English transcript, and it is just fantastic. Watch it to get a sense of the incredible drama happening right now in Syria. It is great TV. It shows the dramatic entry into Deir ez Zor of Syrian troops, supported by Russian fighter jets and bombers - what has been termed a massive strategic victory for Syria, and the de-facto end of the war - the rest is just mop-up. The ISIS / US / Israel / Saudi Arabia coalition has lost - the Syria / Russia / Iran coalition has won. It's a big deal. ** Russia Emerges as Victor in Syrian War http://russia-insider.us9.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=fa2faf7034c3c3c413cb3652f&id=124bb07351&e=5110f4b440 ------------------------------------------------------------ by Strategic Culture on Tue, Sep 19, 2017 For an excellent Russian TV report showing amazing scenes from the ground in Syria you'll never see in the Western media, read The Amazing War Drama Playing Out in Syria - Another Great Russian TV Report. No matter what was the US initial goal in Syria, the plans have ended up in failure.