Dear Mr. Bogdan:

Thank you for the note.

We would kindly like to appeal this FOIL records decision. 

For example, One Million Black Women's board of directors states inclusion of policy and social leadership from Apple. Mr. Bogdan, - has filed another FOIL request concerning DFS' recent "Apple Card Report." 

The Apple Card Report and associated DFS investigation  focused on financial inclusion metrics for women in New York State. Between the Apple Card Report and One Million Black Women being under DFS' umbrell of oversight, it would appear no records being publicly available would signal potential marketplace spoofing. 

Furthermore, DFS' "Student Protection Unit" licenses and supervises student loan servicers, monitors student-related financial practices in New York, and educates and advocates for student consumers and their families about available financial products and services.

As a "Bill and Melinda Gates Scholar" and a "Blockchain Scholar" and a "Al Neuharth Freedom Forum Scholar" I am aware of a scholarship program funded from New York targeting students in Africa. Mr. Bogdan, from New York this fund advertises over $100M in scholarships for online degrees for students in Africa. 

Logic would conclude DFS' Student Protection Unit would hold records on this scholarship fund. No records would furthrtmore exacerbate spoofing concern of a potential interlocking directorate.  

At the very least, DFS records pertaining to mail and/or wire fraud related to the department's financial inclusion oversight would be helpful to our research. 

Have a great day,

Gunnar Larson -

MSc - Digital Currency 
MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
New York, New York 10001 

On Tue, Nov 1, 2022, 3:24 PM <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Larson:

My response to your FOIL request is attached.

George Bogdan
DFS Records Access Officer

Tracking Number:FOIL-2022-090627-018419