From the "Those whom you may not criticize coming under more and more criticism and scrutiny and doing everything in their power to censor the world as a result" department...
Create your world, 'I Will Never Leave a Fallen Comrade' Except if He Was on the USS Liberty https://russia-insider.com/en/i-will-never-leave-fallen-comrade-except-if-he... Ray McGovern … On the 47th anniversary of that unprovoked attack let’s be clear about what happened: Israeli messages intercepted on June 8, 1967, leave no doubt that sinking the USS Liberty was the mission assigned to the attacking Israeli warplanes and torpedo boats as the Six-Day War raged in the Middle East. Let me repeat: there is no doubt – none – that the mission of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) was to destroy the USS Liberty and kill its entire crew. … How I Came to See That Many 'Anti-Semitic Canards' Are Actually True https://russia-insider.com/en/how-i-came-see-many-anti-semitic-canards-are-a... "Asbestos Ron" Unz … "The notorious Jewish tendency to shamelessly lie or wildly exaggerate has sometimes had horrifying human consequences." "If the most extreme “anti-Semitic canards” were probably true, then surely the whole notion of anti-Semitism warrants a careful re-examination." … A Few Simple Arguments Which Cast Serious Doubt on the 'Holocaust' https://russia-insider.com/en/few-simple-arguments-which-cast-serious-doubt-... MICHAEL WALSH Sit the students down and explain slowly: “According to the World Jewish Encyclopaedia there resided 2.4 million Jews in German-Occupied Europe. After the war, 3.8 million Jewish ‘holocaust survivors’ were receiving pensions from the German government. Tragically, the remaining six million were lost.” … Okay, let’s start again: “Doctor Charles P. Larson, one of America’s leading forensic pathologists, in 1945 was assigned to the US Army’s Judge Advocate General’s department. As part of a US war crimes, investigation team Dr. Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other camps examining more than 100 corpses on some days. Dr. Larson confirmed that none of the autopsies he performed showed any evidence of death by poison gas. But, his conclusion was that death had occurred by typhus and starvation (as a consequence of USAAF and RAF saturation bombing).” … The Fags, Jews, and God-Haters in League With Jordan Peterson https://russia-insider.com/en/fags-jews-and-god-haters-league-jordan-peterso... Brother Nathanael IF THE NEW YORK TIMES is promoting it as an alliance of intellectuals foiling the mainstream conversation then you know the conversation is Jew approved. The “alliance”—known as the Intellectual Dark Web—is Jew heavy, peppered with sodomites, with not one member openly anti-Jewish or anti-Israel. Others are white atheist liberals with a couple of Middle Easterners thrown in for diversity’s sake, one of whom is a Lebanese Jew. …