On Wed, 2 Jun 2021 06:18:13 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
your claim that DE, JP, CN are the legit low base numbers,
yes they are.
Which again invalidates your argument proofs... they can't be the actual low base since VN is comparatively and conveniently even lower.
you don't make any sense and to top it off use meaningless SOUP LETTER - the fuck is VN - don't bother. I presented clear 'evidence' coming from govt liars. The 'evidence' is 'legit' means that's it's their own lies to be taken at 'face value'. And their lies don't prove their case. You on the other hand are a trumpofascist right-wing US turd and govt agent whose game is to spout some bullshit about 'govcorp' while constantly spamming US right-wing technofascist propaganda. You're a chemically pure piece of US right-wing shit babbling incoherent pseudo-libertarian bullshit as cover. Oldest fraud in the list of US frauds. go suck trump cock grarpamp and stop posting PSYOP lies here. ps:yes grarpamp you're a Libertarian Hero fighthing against govcorp by parroting every single line coming from pfizer.