On Thu, 21 Jan 2016 07:47:42 -0800 Rayzer <Rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
It doesn't matter WHO one quotes. The only thing that matters is one's WORLDVIEW, and I stick to what I said. You're a right winger and don't even know it.
Dude! I am a 'liberal'. The consistent version of 'liberal' is nowadays called 'invididualist anarchist'. I don't like academic jargon though, but that one should set you straight. I'm wondering, Razer...perhaps you didn't like my comments about the All American New Fascist Deal? At any rate, the fact that you call a radical libertarian a 'right winger' says a lot more about you than me...
Steve Kinney wrote:
As an anarchist, I have no problem recognizing the difference between consent, and making accommodations to coercive demands as a matter of tactical discretion.
Calling compliance with arbitrary orders from people who carry guns and radios "consent" is like saying that every person who has ever been raped "was asking for it."
So can we get a consensus that someone operating a 1-2 ton weapon of environmental and generally Mass Destruction, including but not limited to taking someone's life, should not only prove to 'the herd'
No, we can't. And what if we apply your 'logic' a bit more consistently. Should all knives and forks be registered with the Department of Amerikan Cutlery, and their owners tracked in realtime? And while we are at it, what's the name for your political 'philosophy' Razer?
they're capable, or at least KNOW how to operate said WMD properly (license), and have responsibility for that WMD, their personal property, evidenced (registration) for the rest of us ?