Dnia czwartek, 5 września 2013 11:13:57 Kyle Maxwell pisze:
Fortunately it looks like they have another $90k from non-Paypal sources or at least already transferred, so they're not dead yet.
And apparently they gathered $4k *just today* (no doubt slashdotting of the campaign page due to PayPal SNAFU helped a bit here).
("I'm feeling much better, I'd like to go for a walk!")
I, for one, would like to thank you for the random Monty Python quote that is so much needed from time to time to lighten up this dark, dark world. In return, I offer two of the best renditions of the Parrot Sketch, both from Amnesty International's "Secret Policemans's Ball" (how on-topic, eh?): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_hfOY4IIuk (Michael Palin loses it and John Cleese is not helping) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTV3lQc4AmQ (surprisingly short) -- Pozdr rysiek