On Thu, 1 Sep 2016 18:52:55 -0700 Razer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
On 09/01/2016 06:24 PM, juan wanted me to do something for him:
*find out how many US government agents like me know that spanish word rayzer.
The Defense Language Institute
First time I see that name. You are more familiar with it apparently. Perhaps family or friends work there?
teaches feds like you how to cuss like a Mexican...
? Mexican? Oh wait, you are the kind of american right winger who think that the whole of central america and south america is mexico? And mexico's capital is rio de janeiro? OK - So your few neurons have the "spanish - mexican" connection well established. Let me clue you in. "Psicobolche" belongs to one particular variety of spanish not spoken in mexico...
At other facilities they have whole mock-up villages where you learn to live like one too! (But they don't teach you how to sleep in the berry fields.)