If courageous, Rivest, Shamir and Adelson can be burnt in effigy. Their initials once were rightly world famous, and to smear these distinguished gentlemen by vulgar opportunistic protest instigated by noobs with less than zero comprehension of cryptography should be condemned not debated. James Bidzos raped the three once, twice, thrice, then hid his corporatorizing crime under skirts of EMC. Don't ravage his victims. Protest, sure, but demonstrate what to protest for effectiveness, not idiotic sloganeering of a logo. Hell, long-time duplicitous IBM deserves deeper anger than RSA. DES and much more. Go big and really bold. Protest the Waasenaar Arrangement, the greatest rigging of the dual-use technology market ever, and the world's greatest gang of cheaters, bribers, underhanded dealers of contraband, most of it lethal, far deadlier than crypto. Greenwald blogs there are cryptographers and comsec experts reviewing Snowden's material for future releases. Presumably the highly ethical reviewers have a clear shot at avoiding release of their own names and firms. They will cheat, that's certain.