29 Mar
29 Mar
10:53 p.m.
Dnia piątek, 18 marca 2016 15:25:01 Anthony Papillion pisze:
On 03/18/2016 01:02 PM, dan@geer.org wrote:
Apple will have its Snowden.
That's not a given. Everyone believes that Windows has backdoors and spying components in it but we've not seen a single Snowden from Microsoft. Why would we from Apple, an even more secretive company than Microsoft?
Caspar Bowden. Not a "technical" Snowden, but a whistleblower (that has gone ignored, by most) nonetheless. -- Pozdrawiam, Michał "rysiek" Woźniak Zmieniam klucz GPG :: http://rys.io/pl/147 GPG Key Transition :: http://rys.io/en/147