here's the new text! no new messages. the next one after the pause came right after i sent the email, although there was queue flushing behavior (a few other message came at the same time). it's currently 4:46 with no new messages after the below. 2/20/2023, 3:59:15 PM - xloem: i was on a targeted loosely-anarchic mailing list where anarchy messages were intermixed with death threats and insults to members and shit. i clicked through the anarchy messages and some were from here. i've learned about all sorts of anarchist stuff by following these disgustingly-wrapped references. 2/20/2023, 3:59:18 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): if things continue the way they are and conservatives take the lead on every current event that invovles state overreach im going to die 2/20/2023, 3:59:32 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): thats awesome lol 2/20/2023, 3:59:34 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): prostate 2/20/2023, 4:04:52 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): i wish there were high speed gambling markets for everything that could possibly occur on earth 2/20/2023, 4:14:59 PM - sophieactual (IRC) joined the room 2/20/2023, 4:34:13 PM - rocinante (IRC): xloem: some of the messages where from this IRC? on an email list? I'm confused 2/20/2023, 4:34:45 PM - rocinante (IRC): meno-sanark: maybe become a card carrying member of darkfi? https://cointelegraph.com/news/privacy-has-become-a-taboo-says-crypto-anarch... 2/20/2023, 4:34:46 PM - novatore (IRC): ‘Privacy has become a taboo,’ says crypto-anarchist project DarkFi 2/20/2023, 4:34:56 PM - rocinante (IRC): ;D 2/20/2023, 4:35:05 PM - xloem: <@irc_rocinante:riot.anarchyplanet.org "xloem: some of the messages wher..."> i actually emailed the list regarding this juts now, and your reply came immediately after. looks like maybe network delay. 2/20/2023, 4:35:27 PM - rocinante (IRC): huh? 2/20/2023, 4:35:40 PM - rocinante (IRC): my reply came to you via an email? 2/20/2023, 4:37:00 PM - xloem: <@irc_rocinante:riot.anarchyplanet.org "huh?"> i found anarchyplanet from a targeted and disreputed email list with anarchy theme. you helped me join this chat from the library room; it seems to be invite-only on matrix. i touched on the email list origin with meno-sanark. i just now emailed a log of my conversation with meno-sanark to that same list. other than those specific things, nothing should be weird unless something is making it so. 2/20/2023, 4:37:13 PM - novatore (IRC): [text/plain] (409.0B) 2/20/2023, 4:37:52 PM - xloem: sounds like you guys want some action, but i don't know what. 2/20/2023, 4:39:23 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): i love an article which starts with the words pierre joseph proudhon