Interesting. I wonder if angels read email :) On Wed, Feb 08, 2017 at 02:41:16PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
The other side of the coin - as in, Jews fear XYZ:
- Jews fear ethno-states.
Jews fear "ethnically homoegeneous" states because the Jew is naturally the outsider in such a state - at ~2% of the population of the USA, Australia, etc, if such states returned to e.g. the White Australia policy, then Jews may consider themselves to be outcasts, certainly the minority, and would certainly lose power over the majority.
Ironically, the Jew has a 5000 year itch, a deep desire in fact, for his own, Jewish, ethnostate. And he will build walls and a highly "fascist" state, using the tools of ethnic cleansing and by all other means available to him, from micro nukes to Polish patsies (Zbig, I'm lookin' at you!)
- Jews fear non-Jews.
Jews, being a minority in every land except "Israel", naturally fear the power of the majorities in other states to unite in their voice to the world, in their natural and righteous desires and intentions for their own "states" or ("natural"/historically imposed) geographical groupings.
Jews were denied a homeland, denied their own ethnostate by Arcangel Gabriel (him)self. Dear Jews, blame Gabriel and sort out his beef with you, stop taking it out on the rest of us. Dear Gabriel, sort out your beef with the Jews that the rest of us might be not predated upon economically and militarily, by endless (((compromise))) of pizza, money, and MKUltra murders of those who would stand.
- Jews fear freedom of speech.
With freedom of speech comes the freedom of the majority to unite in their group intentions, and for the vocal "bold ones" to voice those politically incorrect conservative opinions which have been suppressed for so long.
Free speech also implies the freedom to associate that we might listen to one another speak, and thereafter the freedom to unite in common cause, common action, behind those causes which are in the interests of the majority, and may be opposed to the minority - for example it is our right to collectively unite and offer financial incentives to minorities to emmigrate.
Angel Gabriel: I've got a bone to pick with you! By colluding with Moses to deny the Hebrews their own ethnostate, no matter what righteous beefs you had to pick with them, you created for ~5000 years the most predatorial folk in this world - by necessity from their (naturally) point of view.
It's time to change the regime on this planet.
I'm fed up! For 5000 bloody years the other tribes have been predated upon with mathematically certain outcomes (debt-based fiat expansion vs credit-based fiat expansion), and the result is 109 expulsions from 89 countries and counting.
The planet and nature herself suffers the Fukushimas and the Syrias.
Enough is a blood bath enough already!
It's time for a final, humane, solution - 110 and NEVER again!
Angel Gabriel: Why is it ok to push the entire world into never ending blood lust?
We humans have the right to speak, and we do. We have a right to object, and we do.
We have the right to self determination, to have a direct say in EVERY law we are called upon to obey, as well as the right to ignore and/ or not comply with those laws which are repugnant to our individual conscience!
We have a right to speak, a right to object, and a right to live and thrive peacefully along with those others we choose to live with.
Angel Gabriel, it is time for a change on this world, a change towards righteousness.