Regarding: "police-from-seven-different-states". It's SIX states now I believe... "Wisconsin Sheriff pulls deputies from North Dakota pipeline detail"; Won't be replaced http://bismarcktribune.com/news/state-and-regional/sheriff-in-wisconsin-pull... Rr Ps. This 'positive thinking is a problem' story is months old, and for me 'positive thinking' implies thinking of the eradication of the people who decide what's "positive" and 'negative", because it's in relation to something right? And who gets to decide that relationship for me? On 11/05/2016 09:43 AM, Steve Kinney wrote:
On 11/03/2016 08:26 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
RSA ANIMATE: Smile or Die Acclaimed journalist, author and political activist Barbara Ehrenreich explores the darker side of positive thinking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5um8QWWRvo
Yes! magazine, the principal propaganda organ for Progressive Liberal positive thinkers, seems to have just changed its editorial policy. In a feature article widely distributed via social media, they have published a detailed account of police violence at Standing Rock that calls torture of prisoners torture, straight up, without euphemisms or waffling. This is a radical break from their customary "if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all" policy, which is what the Yes! brand has been about for many years.
Yes! will not meet standards for approval by our more wannabe-radical participants here, because it is /most/ unlikely that they will ever advocate killing people as the one and only practical way to affect political change. But they do reach an audience of opinion leaders among the Middle Class Liberals, and those folks' favorite feelgood story teller just took a shot at slapping them awake. In and of itself this means little, but as an indicator of shifting political winds it is part of a trend that could become YUGE.
Our urban Middle Class has been treated to months of full saturation propaganda campaigns presenting a vulgar buffoon of a pretend-candidate for President as an existential threat to Everything That Is Good And Holy In The Entire Universe. The same campaigns promote the absolute, unquestionable necessity of electing a ruthless, vicious, high performing mass murderer who will save them from the Big Bad Trump, depicting her as the shining champion and savior of Everything That Is Good And Holy In The Entire Universe. In recent weeks I have seen people I would never have believed capable of rational criticism of their Party's heroic leaders bailing out of that mind set.
Is it possible that the cognitive dissonance barriers that keep Identity Politics on the (so-called) Left working have started to crack? Could it be that the people at Yes! think so, and have decided to roll with that and see where it leads?
http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/why-the-assaults-on-standing-roc k-require-police-from-seven-different-states-and-other-questions-2016103 1