On 20 Jan 2014, at 21:40 , J.A. Terranson <measl@mfn.org> wrote:
... and someone better figure out a better way to deal with campaign finance or we are all screwed.
Too late in the US. And with Roberts being such a young guy, expect no changes for a very, *very*, long time.
So I present {}coin, the broken cryptocurrency, neutered of all the privacy I can strip out of it, for broken election systems.
Very bad idea. Allowing the entire planet know your financial contributions [trail] will lock you out of some employers, lose your job with still other employers, act as a basis for reputational destruction of future candidates inder the right [or wrong] conditions, etc.
The problem I think you are looking to "solve" is *Corporate* anonymity/pseudonymity. Won't happen under todays paradigm: the *fix* is to go back to separation of "natural persons" and "Corporate/chartered persons". The two types of personhood were never designed to be ewuals, yet her we are. :-(
The fundamental problem is that we need to protect the anonymity of the common people supporting minority views, and keep public the rich and powerful’s lobbying and campaign contributions (and avoid having them simply filter money through others to hide their actions).