On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 2:04 PM, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Ryan Carboni <ryacko@gmail.com>
I have written down so notes on the movie.
Net result so far seems to be some conscious anti-spying adoption of crypto by the public, and even by corps (really just metoo offering into that demand lest they lose base / face to competition, yet not so much in a way that would diminish their ability to mine and sell you). A lot of prominent people, even the occaisional CEO, speaking out, and doing, on principle about things. A whole lot of journos profiteering and pulling Greenwalds, note the dozens of 'trust us to journo' securedrops now popping up for fools to feed raw data into their interpretive editorial bleaching machines. And a bunch of litigious rights orgs doing what they can up against... Effectively zero direct coordinated legislative effort by public to shut it down. That's the real problem. SOPA was black for a day. Snowden should have been black for a month, for infinity, but pretty much looked like crickets. And now that first chance moment has passed. Nothing really changed. And second chances rarely come. Sad.
One thing that would be useful is an app which showed the received signal strength for that cell phone, to a resolution much better than the usual 5-bar display.
Some old feature phones had detailed numeric diag screens for the radio side as part of their firmware you could access by entering "secret" keypad codes. New smartphones might have some api, or AT commands, never looked into it.