On Fri, 22 Sep 2017 18:31:00 +0000 Hollow Domer <shediedfrombeingtoof@redchan.it> wrote:
sorry you are babbling nonsense. intellectual 'property' is not a right privileges Are Not Rights
gtfoh. You are asserting that only others can grant a person something, you authoritarian swine.
A single and self governing person, or animal, can rightfully defend the possession of something it created.
as long as he doesn't infringe other people's rights. So you can defend your 'right' to intellectual non-property by keeping your amazing ideas in your head, but the moment you publish them they are not 'yours' anymore. Another problem for you is of course that 'your' ideas actually are 99.99999999% not 'yours', they come from other people.
As is the creature's self-granted right.
Using the word "privilege" only shows you support giving authority to others.
privilege : a non-right granted and enforced by the animals you call your government. That's what copyright and patents are. And you are accusing me of doing what *you* do? please.
What a well thought rebuttal to my claims. Maybe you forgot that you aren't posting as the Rayzer or jnn but as Juan.
at some point the cost of writing a full counterargument to a piece of bullshit is too high.
I am not Jewish.
except the jews are not the only nazis out there you know. Or maybe you don't know for instance that the United States Of America was founded in 1776 as a slave society/concentration camp? The joos didn't do that. It was the 'anglos'.
you should stop saying stupid things?
Like "things I cannot see are not real, aylmao".
like, your argument for national borders is a wrong analogy, so you have no argument.
this isn't even half entertaining anymore. [I Quit!]
I guit because I get tired of cheaters...at times =)
I get it. You are pic related. Well played, sir.