Ms. Chollet: We have yet to hear back from our office concerning xNY.io - Bank.org's prerogative to protect digital asset innovation. Meta's board of directors may understand today's memo seeking clarification of intent concerning the Novi and USDP relationship. Novi and the Novi logo are trademarks owned by Facebook, Inc. *On October 19, 2021 <https://www.novi.com/news/pilot-version-of-novi-now-available/> Meta's Novi digital asset project announced a pilot engaging the USDP stablecoin: * - "For the pilot we are enabling people to send and receive money using USDP (Pax Dollar) through a partnership with Paxos and Coinbase. Our support for Diem has not changed. We see great value in the way Diem is designed with robust protections for consumers and controls to combat financial crime. We intend to migrate Novi to the Diem network once it receives regulatory approval. The goal for Novi has been and always will be to be interoperable with other digital wallets and we believe a purpose-built blockchain for payments, like Diem, is critical to deliver solutions to the problems that people experience with the current payment system. Imagine if you couldn’t send an email from a Gmail address to a Yahoo address, or if you could only text people with the same mobile provider as you." - "We chose USDP for the pilot so that we can test our systems with a stablecoin that has been operating successfully for over three years and that has important regulatory and consumer protection attributes. This means that people can easily withdraw their money in their local currency when they choose. USDP reserves are fully backed by the US dollar and are held 100% in cash and cash equivalents. We chose Coinbase, which manages $180B assets on its platform, to provide custody solutions for the secure storage of our customers’ funds." Ms. Chollett, as of today USDP shows a value of $0.00 on Coinbase <https://www.coinbase.com/price/usdp>, and appears to no longer be supported by the Coinbase platform. Can Meta's board of directors clarify their current relationship with USDP? On April 7, 2022 <https://paxos.com/2022/04/07/busd-issued-by-paxos-on-ethereum-vs-busd-on-the-bnb-smart-chain/> USDP was re-announced in New York in partnership with BUSD. How should the marketplace interpret the intent of Meta's board of directors concerning USDP and BUSD? Sending you the very best regards. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- *Gunnar Larson - xNY.io <http://www.xny.io/> | Bank.org <http://bank.org/>* MSc <https://www.unic.ac.cy/blockchain/msc-digital-currency/?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Search&utm_campaign=MSc-Digital-Currency-North-America&utm_term=blockchain%20unic&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyJOBBhDCARIsAJG2h5ctwwMz0MRbVSk-LaYD-GMU5UgDSw7ynxbGr_a7SkaFAZzJc1-pzxEaAi4NEALw_wcB> - Digital Currency MBA <https://www.unic.ac.cy/business-administration-entrepreneurship-and-innovation-mba-1-5-years-or-3-semesters/> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) G@xNY.io +1-646-454-9107 New York, New York 10001 On Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 4:44 PM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote:
Ms. Chollett:
Thank you, kindly, for continued correspondence related to Meta Board questions specific to xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC's concern to protecting cross-border digital asset innovation.
xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC first became alarmed through Meta's obvious digital asset market problems related to Libra, Diem, Novi and USDP. Through Meta's continued digital identity transitions, xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC has pioneered cross-border digital asset logic(s). Moreover, the Moscow Exchange and Meta introduced market events over March that jeopardize digital asset market purty. Ms, Chollett, xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC will not pay for market effects related to Meta's cross-border disruption of digital asset innovation, related to Meta's obvious mark exactness (by definition) to the Moscow Exchange.
*Ms. Chollett, we cannot concern ourselves with Meta's intentions, good or otherwise, given clear problems that exacerbate market risk: *
- March 11, 2022 <https://www.businessinsider.in/tech/news/russia-moves-to-declare-meta-an-extremist-organization-which-would-lead-to-all-its-services-being-cut-off-in-russia/articleshow/90155262.cms>: Russia's leader, who is in charge of the Moscow Exchange cites Meta as an 'extremist organization' ... - March 14, 2022 <https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=ff9f1af5-cc8a-473a-822b-8890c6c8c514>: Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz PC Benjamin G. Murray published SDNY insights to a Russian State-Sponsored TV Network's Attempt to Dismiss Copyright Lawsuit On Fair Use Grounds Denied. - March 17, 2022 <https://www.sberbank.com/news-and-media/press-releases/article?newsID=cd44dd90-1dcf-4bb1-ab20-bc99e52d08a3&blockID=7®ionID=77&lang=en&type=NEWS>: Moscow Exchange is the backend to Russia's largest bank, Sber. The announcement on 03/17/22 confirmed Sber (via the Moscow Exchange technology, at various levels) would issue digital assets. - March 18, 2022 <https://cointelegraph.com/news/meta-files-8-digital-asset-and-web-3-0-trademark-applications>: Meta Platforms Inc. filed USPTO mark applications for a mark EXACTLY DEFINED to that of the Moscow Exchange. - Ms. Chollette, below my signature you will find Meta's filing numbers and descriptions related to a mark defined as Moscow Exchange, with plans to engage the mark in commerce related to digital assets and virtual reality. - March 24, 2022 <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f_fq1GaKNaAUGEyztdm-oMtIuEW2yXj4C5aoN0GA_fY/edit?usp=sharing>: xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC contacted meta, with a memo introducing our direct plan to protect cross-border digital asset innovation. Ms. Chollette, please note that Russia has labeled Meta as an 'extremist organization' ... So who really knows what the Moscow Exchange will thi
xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC is a very reasonable digital asset pioneer, and sitting in Manhattan the jury is in on market contributions from Libra, Diem, Novi and USDP. Ms, Chollette, Meta and the Moscow Exchange matter really suggest only losing marketplace contributions, obviously potentially devastating digital asset marketplace innovation(s). We aim to solve this problem immediately:
1. Ms. Collette, xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC recently shared Citigroup's Metaverse and Money <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1REoa87GCmt2uhDp7ZYswbTRw4ygQgjsL/view?usp=sharing> whitepaper, with 33 highlights to our grave concern to Meta's potential marketplace delinquency related to Meta's mark exactness to Moscow Exchange. 2. Furthermore, Mr. Zuckerberg and Mr. Putin are both highlight quotes to Citigroup's Metaverse and Money research. 3. With the date order, footnotes, and highlights xNY.io -Bank.org, PBC kindly petitions Meta's board to understand the opportunity ... The Moscow Exchange is not our problem, and for whatever reason Meta will have no opportunity to make mark exactness our problem.
The United State of America's cross-border approach to digital asset innovation will be cultivated, fostered and protected by xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC. We aim not to be adversarial with Meta, but we will stop at no cost to invest in claim rewards if necessary. Perhaps, we can organize a time to discuss potential resolutions in the immediate term.
xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC must reserve all rights specific to harm from March 14, 2022 <https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=ff9f1af5-cc8a-473a-822b-8890c6c8c514> and March 18, 2022 <https://cointelegraph.com/news/meta-files-8-digital-asset-and-web-3-0-trademark-applications> market events.
Please feel free to call or email anytime.
Sending you the very best from New York City,
Gunnar Larson -- *Gunnar Larson - xNY.io <http://www.xNY.io> | Bank.org <http://Bank.org>* MSc <https://www.unic.ac.cy/blockchain/msc-digital-currency/?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Search&utm_campaign=MSc-Digital-Currency-North-America&utm_term=blockchain%20unic&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyJOBBhDCARIsAJG2h5ctwwMz0MRbVSk-LaYD-GMU5UgDSw7ynxbGr_a7SkaFAZzJc1-pzxEaAi4NEALw_wcB> - Digital Currency MBA <https://www.unic.ac.cy/business-administration-entrepreneurship-and-innovation-mba-1-5-years-or-3-semesters/> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
G@xNY.io +1-646-454-9107 New York, New York 10001
97320155: Online social networking and dating services, including a specific branch tailored for networking between cryptocurrency investors.
97320153: Design and development of computer hardware and software relating to Web3, including gaming, e-commerce, blockchain transactions, etc.
97320149: Entertainment and electronic publishing services, partly within virtual reality.
97320147: Telecommunication services for electronic assets held on its platform.
97320146: Financial transaction processing services relating to tokens, blockchain assets, cryptocurrencies and other virtual assets.
97320144: Advertising services via virtual or augmented reality networks and the metaverse.
97320140: Wearable peripherals for video games connected to virtual reality.
97320136: Downloadable software in the nature of a mobile application, such as for user authentication, online charitable fundraising and most notably, for hardware or e-wallets.