On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 11:27 AM, Razer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
Have a look. Tens of thousands. https://twitter.com/AuntieImperial/status/797659982409760768
10 is not 100.
almost every single POC As far as whether POC hate him
Citation your implied numerical ratio of haters vs lovers was requested, not the degree to which any such haters hate him. Voting data seems to indicate from 65-88% haters holding a degree from 0<hate<=100 sufficient to vote as such, far from 'every single'.
where it's not middleclass and white.
Like within big blue city limits full of poc marchers? Or out in the red sticks full of non poc? It's about the popcorn, others can debate and figure whatever Soros or anyone else is up to on whatever side. Since no side presents an ideal package, and most sides seem far from one with their stupid politically engineered dividing line antipodal platforms, I could care less. Regarding popcorn, remember, not all popular votes are in, and there's still electoral fun and games to be played in December. https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/electoral-college/key-dates.html It's still better everyone on all side quit being physical against other humans and property and generally chill the fuck out.