On 6/26/20 18:19, таракан wrote:
> I am a Mathematician and involved in "industrial" cryptography.
> However, I am interested in the Cypherpunk movement as described by
> the Cypherpunk's manifesto.
> I am unsure if this mailing list still relates to the original
> Cypherpunk movement... Obviously it contains many inordinate
> messages containing vulgar terms.
I'm still scratching my head wondering what flagrant racism,
antisemitism, etc have to do with the cypherpunk movement and/or
securing technology through encryption.
I see this behavior that spreads arbitrary blame of groups, and casts the forum to observers as holding such blame prominently, in other open channels on the internet. Is this something you see?
I see
the ideal form of the cypherpunk movement as egalitarian, where those of
all ethnicities and backgrounds are treated equally and given the same
chance to participate in beneficial social and political change. Yes,
this specifically includes Jews and people of color, as well as LGBTQ+
populations and other marginalized groups.
As someone who has participated in stimulating the disruptive behaviors, it is relieving to hear words countering them. Part of me dreams of making a bot to do so.
Honestly, if you're going to shut out some people, or use exclusionary
language such as well-recognized slurs that are avoided by people who
use the word "fuck" like they would use salt and pepper on bland food,
then you're no better than the authorities you pretend to hate. United
we stand, divided we fall.
This list is not about harm.
Karl Semich
There is proof inside many peoples' electronics. Proof that a marketing group would contract development of a frightening virus. A virus that responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what people see on their devices. A virus that alters political behavior en masse, for profit.