On 01/21/2017 01:27 AM, grarpamp wrote:
There's onionbalance to consider, and there are some tools to expand entry guard, intro point and rend point counts.
I used tor-instance-create to get a separate Tor instance for each OnionCat instance. And I specified a distinct bind port and SocksPort for each OnionCat instance. This setup multipaths individual tcp6 streams. And I believe that onionbalance spreads incoming tcp connections across multiple servers. Right?
Also currently a shame that no one has yet stepped up to continue IPv6 interface support with tor after tor kills onioncat with prop224. It would be a nice project for someone.
Yes, that is a shame. I'm no coder, unfortunately. But I have been considering the idea of crowdfunding a replacement for OnionCat. I wonder what it would take to motivate someone.
So many neat things can be done with what onioncat provides.
Ditto onionvpn.
Not an iPhone user, so ???
Also freebsd made some fairly significant bandwidth X delay, and windowing stack improvements that might not be in linux yet.
Maybe so. But do check out MPTCP. ~50 Gbps :) http://multipath-tcp.org/pmwiki.php?n=Main.50Gbps
Also, don't forget, if you're going to be eating up bandwidth and resources on overlay networks, you should be giving back at least an estimate of your impact in free resources. Which is typically your use times the hop count of the given network.
Yes, for sure. I should emphasize that more. And what's cool about this approach is that entry guards and middle relays are easy to host. There's also potential to increase usability of slow relays, through aggregation. Perhaps ten 500 kbps circuits together would give users 2-3 Mbps overall.