Some say the US vax full-approval is being inappropriately fast-tracked to provide excuse for political power grab thus creating precedent of use of force allowing future use of force in other medical and unrelated areas of public resistance... 11940 vax deaths to date (%0.007% of vaxed pop)? 518769 vax reports to date (%0.3% of vaxed pop)? Does the "open" data summary match the "official" VAERS data linked earlier? 518,769 Reports through July 23, 2021* 11,940 DEATHS 40,991 HOSPITALIZATIONS 65,067 URGENT CARE 88,920 OFFICE VISITS 4,110 ANAPHYLAXIS 3,714 BELL'S PALSY 1,272 Miscarriages 4,799 Heart Attacks 3,201 Myocarditis / Pericarditis 12,808 Permanently Disabled 1,932 Thrombocytopenia / Low Platelet 11,199 Life Threatening 22,286 Severe Allergic Reaction 6,123 Tinnitus According to the VAERS website there have been 8,182 deaths pinned to the Pfizer/Biontech coronavirus vaccination. The VAERS database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines. The CDC government website links to VAERS platform. The elites have yet to offer a credible explanation on how these thousands of reported deaths are illegitimate. There have been over 400,000 adverse reactions reported to the COVID vaccine according to the VAERS website. But this hasn’t stopped the Biden-Obama government from pushing the FDA to give full approval to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. TRENDING: CodeMonkeyZ Speaks with Gateway Pundit: "What I Put Out on the Dominion Evidence is Roughly 1% of What We Are Holding" That way they can force Americans to get the vaccine to participate in public life. VOA reported: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is aiming to give full approval to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine by early September, according to The New York Times. The two-dose vaccine, which Pfizer developed in collaboration with German-based BioNTech, was granted emergency use authorization by the FDA last November. It is one of just three COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S. stockpile, along with the two-shot vaccine from Moderna and the single-dose version developed by Johnson & Johnson. The newspaper says the FDA is accelerating its normal timetable to grant full approval to the two-dose vaccine as the United States undergoes a new surge of coronavirus infections and hospitalizations caused primarily by the highly contagious Delta variant of COVID-19. The recent surge of new infections is mainly among people who have not gotten vaccinated. The Times quotes recent polls by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a health care research group, which found that three of every 10 unvaccinated people in the U.S. said they more likely would take a fully approved vaccine. The surge has prompted a growing number of public and private entities to issue mandatory vaccinations for all of its employees, including an order last week by U.S. President Joe Biden for all employees of the federal government.