18 Dec
18 Dec
8:46 a.m.
Short table comparing the Assad regime, to the "moderate rebels" Al-Qaeda regime which USA and MSM around the Western world has been pushing. Simple truth behind war in Syria, explained in one simple chart that Obama White House does not want you see http://theduran.com/the-simple-truth-behind-the-war-in-syria-explained-in-on... -- * Certified Deplorable Neo-Nazi Fake News Hunter (TM)(C)(R) * Executive Director of Triggers, Ministry of Winning * Weapons against traditional \/\/European\/\/ values: http://davidduke.com/jewish-professor-boasts-of-jewish-pornography-used-as-a... * How Liberal Lefties view the world: http://bbs.dailystormer.com/uploads/default/optimized/3X/0/4/042cb95724339d5...